Calendário de período simples com um widget simples. Calendário de período fácil! Simples com um widget simples.
Calendário de período simples com um widget simples. Fácil!
Calendário de período simples com um widget simples.
Takes the guess work out of calculating your menstruation calendar!
Version 2.0 now includes a full calendar view and an optional notification in the Settings page to arrive before your period does!
Bunny went to a lot of effort making this app clean and simple. We don't want your life story, just predict and track your period.
The widget features a warning icon when you are close to the expected day and a changed style when it's time for your period.
Please stay tuned to and see what else Bunny are up to!
To add a widget;
1. press and hold on your phones wallpaper to bring up a menu
2. select Widget
3. Bunny's Period Tracker